We've got a weekend sale runing right now - the prices for custom orders keep getting better, which pleases me to no end. There's a neat little tool on the La-Z-Boy website that I'd heartily recommend to you if you want to create the ideal couch for your living room. Pick a chair type and click the "Customize Product" button. All of the compatible fabrics will pop up as choices; click on one, and you can see what the chair would look like without even coming into the store. I'd strongly recommend visiting us to examine the fabric before settling on a custom piece - the feel of the fabric is important as the look. But this is a great way to narrow down your choices to three or four options before coming to visit - we've got over 800 designer fabrics, so winnowing down the field is a good idea.
Huh. Come to think of it, I can use this tool myself right now. We're putting a bunch of chairs on sale, but they're all different models in differnet fabrics, scattered around the warehouse and the store. I've got a Flanagan chair on sale in a nice brown fabric for $597. There's only one left.... and I just posted the picture right here. Not bad at all! Looking for something in particular? Come see me. I've got some nice possibilities. Not every fabric is as straightforward as this one, mind you - I've got this same chair in a bright orange paisley on the floor. It's pretty startling, to put it mildly (and also on sale, I might add). But it just goes to show you, we can build your perfect chair - no matter what your idea of "perfect" might be.